Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just an update...

I've only been doing this a few days...cloth diapering sucks. But not giving it up just yet, because I need to give it a few weeks to get the hang of it (and get more supplies...I've started making my own diapers actually and the one I made last night worked quiet well).

Not using the dishwasher is okay but there are times I'd rather just pop stuff in it than stand at the sink scrubbing.

There are items that have been invented by society to make things 'easier', but also to convince us that these things (household'chores') are an inconvenience, we can do better things with our TV for example and see all those commercials for those disposable items that have been invented by society to make things 'easier'. Do you see where I'm going with this? Whatever happened to the time that one took pride in the care of their home, feeding their family, etc, isn't that as important or even more important than the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the title of our job? Is it such a 'chore' to show that your home, your belongings you work so hard to obtain, the place where your children play, crawl, sleep - is it a chore to show that that is a place that is filled with love and deserves as much attention and MORE so actually, then television??

Just curious.

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