Monday, January 21, 2008

Be the change you want to see in the world...

I full-heartedly believe in this statement and for some reason over the past 29 years, I'm not sure how much of a difference I have made. So recently, with this bearing on my mind, I've taken the time to become a 'social activist'.

It started with signing up to be a member of Human Rights Watch, then Unicef and most recently The World Wildlife Fund. I've written letters to congressmen re. The Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2007, joined The Tap Project, signed up for Earth Hourand today wrote letters to appropriate people re. a few issues the WWF has taken up on...including stopping importion of illegal woods into the US, rewriting the 1996 biological opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which concluded that no coal mining operation in the United States would ever jeopardize threatened or
endangered species listed then or in the future, cosponsoring the Bristol
Bay Protection Act (H.R.1957/S. 1311), which would permanently protect
Bristol Bay in Alaska from offshore oil and gas leasing and
development, cosponsoring the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act (H.R. 1464/S. 1033)and delaying Lease Sale 193, for oil and gas drilling
rights in the Chukchi Sea, until the potential impacts on polar bears
and other wildlife can be determined and until adequate oil spill
safety measures can be put in place.

None of these were hard to do, nor did they take much time out of a busy day...just a thought for anyone who would like to 'be the change you want to see in the world.'

Now, time to make a loaf of bread, fold some laundry and solve my family hunger make dinner. ;)

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