Aiden's face is ALWAYS dirty. It's a fact of life.
We made No-Cook Dough this afternoon - I'm trying to make sure he 'unplugs' for the majority of the day, so when he starts begging for Sonic (XBox) or Noggin (Computer) and nothing works, it's time for a new craft...Todays was Dough. ;)
New recipe - 1 cup of flour, 3/8 cup salt, 3/8 cup hot water & food coloring. I let him stir the flour and salt together, I added the hot water (from the bubbler so not really much work for me) and stirred. Voila. We kneeded in the colors (note to self, don't allow Aiden to squeeze in the colors the yellow and red were a bit much!) and the more you play with the stuff the better it becomes. :) He used his cookie cutters (the worst cutters in the world btw, see that peuny three? I swear they would make the worst cookies) to cut out shapes, he always needs a tree with a star on top. Then when we were done we put it in a Tupperware in the fridge, should last a week. :) Now he's having his computer time and I'm going to start dinner, Conor is in his swing...ahhh...
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